Keynote Speaker
Professor Evren Balta 2025 Speech Titles
- Changing Turkey: Society and Institutions
- Understanding the Age of Anxiety
- Key Dynamics of Global Politics
- Belonging in the 21st Century
- Turkey and Foreign Policy
Speaker Profile
Evren Balta is an Associate Professor International Relations a the Faculty of Social Sciences of Ozyegin University and a Senior Scholar at Istanbul Policy Center.
Her main research interests are political violence, security, and citizenship. She holds a Ph.D. in political science from The Graduate Center, CUNY (2007) and an MA in Sociology from Middle East Technical University (1999) and an MIA from Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs (2001). Her articles have appeared in many different journals such as Ethnic and Racial Studies, Sociology, Gender Place & Culture. She is the author of Global Security Complex (İletisim Publications, 2012), Age of Precariousness (Iletisim Publications, 2019) and The American Passport in Turkey: National Citizenship in the Age of Transnationalism (with O Altan-OOlcay, UPenn Press 2020). She is also the editor of Introduction to Global Politics (Iletisim Publications, 2014), Military, State and Politics in Turkey (with I. Akca, Bilgi University Publications, 2010) and Neighbors with Suspicion: Dynamics of Turkish-Russian Relations (with G. Ozcan and B. Besgul, İletisim Publications, 2017).
Her research has been supported by the American Association for the University Women, Mellon Foundation, Bella Zeller Scholarship Trust Fund, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, and the Fulbright Scholar Program. Prior to coming to Özyeğin University, she served as a research fellow in the Institute for Human Sciences/Russia in Global Dialogue Program (Vienna, Austria 2017) and as a Fulbright visiting associate professor at the New York University, Program in International Relations during the 2017-2018 academic year. In 2018, she received the Distinguished Alumni Award of the Political Science Program at the CUNY-The Graduate Center.